So in my always crazy mind, I made up the mind to work on hair bows and to also try my hand at making felt toddler size handbags. I am a creative person and pretty proud of my creations, but after all the work doing it, I realize do all mom's know how freaking easy this is? I mean, it does not take that much creativity to make some basic ones and they are really cheap to do. I went to Hobby Lobby(OMG I LOVE THIS PLACE) and all the ribbon is 50% off so I got all different kinds ranging from $1.99 to $3.99 and at 50% off no more then $2 a roll. Then they offer different barrettes that are in bags ranging from $2.99 to $4.99. I got some larger clips for my older daughters with more hair and the smaller ones for Erin. So for about $20(not even that much) I ended up making 20 bows all of different styles and colors. My friends say they are good enough to sell which I think will be my main goal. Start an ETSY site? Maybe. I see people selling these for $5-$7 and I would make at least 50% profit, now if I can just get my skills and experience up to make a tutu.
So, here is some of what I have made. I like pink a lot, guess I need to look at more colors.
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